During Production Inspection Service
Chinaimportexport.org(CIE) offers a unique China service called During Production Inspection (DPI).
What is CIE DPI?
CIE DPI is the checking of packed and ready-to-go products; the DPI process takes place between 20 percent and 80 percent of the manufacturing process.
The IFC DPI edge provides major value add to you:
Assure that the mass production quality is the same as the sample
1.Implement the necessary corrective actions before having too many defects
2.Be aware of the percentage of defects of finished products
3.The exact statement of the production planning
4.Avoid unnecessary costs and delays
What do we check during a During Production Inspection?
Product appearance (AQL), workmanship quality, size measurements, weight check, functionality assortment, accessories, labeling & logos, packaging, packing and other tests and special requirements, depending on the product and the export market.
The CIE DPI will also cover the raw materials, unfinished products and the planning of production.
Our team of inspectors chooses a specific quantity of completed products, according to AQL tables – and inspects them according to your specifications, requirements and according to our protocols and expertise.
After completing the inspection, a fully detailed inspection report with pictures and comments is sent to you. Then you are able to Accept or Reject your shipment online.
Easy and reliable: CIE DPI.
Contact Us
Email info@chinaimportexport.org or call 0086 451 8333 0833 to book cheap during production inspection service now.